Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Golden Retriever

Though young golden retrievers resemble Labrador puppies, after 4-5 months their light golden fur will grown into long, glossy, water resistant coats characteristic of the breed. They learn quickly, and training can begin as early as 2 months.

Bred as hound dog that located and retrieved fallen quarry, golden retrievers are cheerful but rugged water-loving dogs that are popular as household pets, and as seeing eye dogs and service dogs.

Because genetic hip problems are common in this breed, running on slippery floors, especially with puppies, should be avoided, and owners should take care that their hip joints are not overburdened. They are also more prone to cancer than most other breeds.

To keep their beautiful coats clean and shinny, they should be shampooed after every dirty romp, and brushed often.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 22-24 inches ; weight 64-75 pounds
(female) Height 22-23 inches ; weight 56-64 pounds
Coat : Glossy, Feathering on chest, legs, and tail. Color is golden.

Flat-Coated Retriever

Although flat-coated retriever puppies are adorable little balls of fur, they are especially frolicsome and can often be a handful to care for.

This breed’s exact origin is uncertain, though it is believed to be a crossbreed of the Labrador retriever and the Newfoundland. When it first appeared in a dog show in 1859, it was called the wavy-coated retriever because its coat was much more similar to the Labrador’s than it is now. Within a few years, however, it had developed the characteristic coat of soft, jet-black fur lying flat against its body. Its other distinguishing feature is its powerful, compact body (it’s the smallest retriever).

Flat coated retrieves, cheerful and gentle, are excellent swimmers (their waterproof coats serve as natural thermal swimsuits), and they continue to love to play in water throughout their lives. They make excellent hunting dogs on land and in wet areas, and they require much space and time for exercise.

Occasional brushing will keep this dog’s coat clean and shinny, extra care is important during shedding, and their droopy ears need to be cleaned regularly.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 23-24 inches ; weight 56-78 pounds
(female) Height 22-23 inches ; weight 49-71 pounds
Coat : Black or liver

English Springer Spaniel

In the 19th century, this breed was differentiated from the English cocker spaniel only by its size, but early in in the 1900s, it was recognized by the KC as an independent breed. The name derives from the breed’s characteristic springing motion when flushing birds, its large paws give this dog great launching power.

Loyal and gentle by nature, these dogs, like all spaniels, wave their docked tails wildly. They get along well with other dogs and are not territorial, and one owner says of his dog, “He loves to be around children. He lets them do whatever they want.”

They also have great stamina, and need to have the run of large yard and to be taken on long walks. However, because of their thick coats, owners should avoid exercising them in hot weather. Also some English springer spaniels have skin allergies that require a stringent diet and special shampoo.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height about 20 inches ; weight about 49 pounds
(female) Height about 20 inches ; weight about 49 pounds
Coat : Straight and silky. Colors include black and white, liver and white, black plus tan and white, liver plus tan and white, and roan.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

English Setter

Newborn English setter puppies are generally white, but coat coloring appears gradually, and the colors become more intense at 2-3 months. Even as puppies, these dogs instinctively react quickly to moving objects. The English setter has long had an important role as a bird dog, their popularity coincided with the introduction of hunting guns. This breed which appeared with English setters in the first dog show in the United Kingdom in 1895, is said to be derived from spaniel stock.

English setters are known for their stamina and hunting ability, so their natural inclination to track quarry should be controlled early on. They can be good household dogs, but they need lots of training and exercise.

Their elegantly wavy hair requires daily brushing to avoid matting.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size (male) Height 26-27 inches ; weight about 71 pounds
(female) Height 24-26 inches ; weight about 64 pounds
Coat : Long, straight, and silky. Feathering on ears, chest, legs, and tail. Colors include belton (white with black or brown markings) and tricolor (blue belton- white with black, plus tan)

English Pointer

Pointer puppies display their innate hunting ability even while they are still very young, some mimic hunting movements at 2 months.

Along with the English setter, the English pointer, best known of the many pointer breeds, has the longest history of participation in dog shows in the United Kingdom. It is a relatively young breed, however, and gained popularity as a hunting dog only at the beginning of the 18th century.

This dog’s pendant ears and thin, straight tails, as well as its exception ally lean body, make it look refined and beautiful. Excellent in tracking, intuition, concentration, endurance, and competitiveness. English pointers are archetypal gundogs, built for strength, speed, and endurance.

Because of the English pointer’s instinct to chase its quarry, it is important to train this breed to return to you at your command. Some dogs can be impulsive, stubborn, or rough, but early conditioning and thorough obedience training will help them become good household pets. Also because of their thin coat, they are sensitive to cold.
Their short, stiff coats are very easy to take care of. Dirt can be rubbed off with a cloth.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 25-28 inches ; weight 50-56 pounds
(female) Height 24-26 inches ; weight 44-50 pounds
Coat : Short, straight, and smooth. Colors include white with reddish-brown, orange or liver patches, plus solid coats.

English Cocker Spaniel

Named in the 17th century, when they were used to hunt woodcocks and moorcocks, they are slightly larger than their American counterparts (which are descended from this breed) and have longer nose bridges. And, although their coats vary less in color than those of American cocker spaniels, they are very silky and elegant. Once known as the land spaniel because it hunted on land rather than in lakes or marshy areas. The breed is closely related to the springer spaniel. It used to be considered merely a smaller variety of that breed.

English cocker spaniel small but strong and energetic, are quick learners and ideal household dogs, but they need lots of attention. One owner says, “When they are happy, they wag their docked tails as much as they can, or even their entire hips. Their innocent gestures and facial expressions are too cute to explain.” Despite their sophisticated appearance, however, they are reliable workers. Many are still used as hunting dogs, and others are employed to sniff out drugs and bombs.

Because of their enormous appetites, their food intake should be monitored carefully.
Daily brushing, especially after a walk, is required to keep their silky coats in good condition, and their ears should be cleaned often.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height about 16 inches ; weight 24-33 pounds
(female) Height 15-16 inches ; weight 24-33 pounds
Coat : Silky, short on head and soft and dense on body. Acceptable colors vary widely.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Clumber Spaniel

These puppies may seem dull and clumsy, but they’re actually quirky and quick. One owner says, “It seems these puppies would rather be chased than give chase.”

Dogs of this gentle and cheerful breed, not particularly speedy but agile enough, were bred as stocky but sharp-nosed bird dogs. Named after Clumber Park in Newcastle in the United Kingdom and popular with the British royal family, they are believed to be related to the alpine spaniel and the basset hound. Their voice is low, and they seldom bark, but adults may snore.

Owners should monitor the dogs food intake, they are gluttonous and gain weight easily. Also, because of their thick coat, they are sensitive to heat.

Good coat care is required for this breed, which sheds heavily year-round.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height about 18 inches ; weight about 76 pounds
(female) Height about 16 inches ; weight about 66 pounds
Coat : Silky, straight, and dense. Colors include white and lemon and white and orange, lemon or orange markings are on head, muzzle, and legs.

Brittany Spaniel

The Brittany spaniel, the only pointing dog among the spaniels, is much smaller than pointers and setters, but it sense of smell is excellent, and it is second to none of the hunt, hence its popularity among hunters in the United States. Its history as a hunting dog dates back to at least the 17th century, when it was depicted in paintings by French and Dutch artists, including Rembrandt.

Dogs of this expressive, lively, and fast breed are quick learners. They resemble the springer spaniel but have the most slender legs of any spaniel breed. Unlike most spaniels, however, this breed comes not from the United Kingdom but from France. It is also singular in that, unlike other spaniels, its coat is not silky.

Occasional brushing is sufficient, and shampooing is seldom necessary.

Origin : France
Size : (male) Height 19-20 inches ; weight about 33 pounds
(female) Height 18-19 inches ; weight about 29 pounds
Coat : Flat or wavy. Color include dark orange and white, brown and white, black and white and tricolor.

American Cocker Spaniel

The Walt Disney film Lady and the Tramp catapulted this breed to fame half a century ago, but it is enjoying a renewed surge in popularity today. The American Cocker Spaniel was originally a hunting dog, but very few are used for that purpose today. Modified from its British counterpart, the American version is smaller, with a shorter muzzle, a more rounded head, and pronounced forehead. The coat is more lavish too, and comes in a wider range of colors.

In the United States, “Cocker Spaniel” alone refers to the American breed, while that designation is used for the English cocker spaniel in the United Kingdom, causing some confusion. For clarity, other international kennel clubs add the respective country names.

Members of this attractive, sweet natured breed are jovial, obedient, and bright. They are also gluttons, though, so, to achieve a balance of glossy coat and healthy skin on the one hand and healthy weight on the other hand, carefully monitor their food intake.

American cocker spaniels look cute in clipped coats but gorgeous in full coats. Their droopy ears also require frequent care, elevate food or restrain their ears during feeding, and consider using a water bottle like those for rodents and rabbits.

Origin : United States
Size : (male) Height about 15 inches ; weight about 29 pounds
(female) Height about 14 inches ; weight about 27 pounds
Coat : Short on head, medium on body. Feathering on ears, chest, abdomen and legs. Colors include black and parti-color (two or more colors with markings)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Shetland Sheepdog

The floppy ears of newborn Shetland sheepdog puppies eventually prick up. (A weight is sometimes used to break the tips of the ears forward.)

The United Kingdom’s northern most islands-the original home of their nameshake dogs, located beyond the Orkney islands, north of Scotland-are known for their harsh natural environment, which has produce unusually small but sturdy flora and fauna, including the famous Shetland ponies.

Shelties, which need lots of exercise, resemble miniature collies, but they have a very long and markedly different heritage. Undersized like the sheep they traditionally herded, they were once called dwarf Scotch shepherds or Shetland collies. Despite their diminutive size, they are excellent sheepdogs, tough and hardworking; they herd sheep by nipping the tips of their charges’legs. One owner says, “They are sensitive to what the owner feels and thinks. They try to read my mind, to pick up what I feel.”

The Sheltie’s long coat requires a good brushing, especially during the shedding season.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male/female) Height 13-16 inches ; weight 20 pounds
Coat : Long and harsh; undercoat is short, soft, and dense. Fur is feathered around neck, chest, legs, and tail. Colors include sable and white, tricolor (black,white, and tan), and bicolor (black and white).

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy’s drooping ears prick up whitin its first 6 months. One owner says, “Most of the puppies are cheerful, but as they grow, they begin to show different characthers. Some become gloomy, and shyness and aggressiveness or bitting can be corrected by 7 months if they owner deals with them propely.”

The Pembroke is distinguished from the Cardigan primarily by its almost nonexistent tail; it must balance with its high end, producting an endearing wiggling walk. They are slightly smaller than the Cardigan and have a shorter coat, and their triangular ears are slightly sharper looking.

These dogs were originally cattle herders on the farm of Pembrokeshire. Like the Cardigan, the breed gained popularity after the British royal family acquired one during the early 20th century.

This small breed is rather quiet, but its voice is unexpectedly deep and loud. Very intelligent and independent. It is a natural guard dog. Pembroke needs to be trained strictly and given structure and lots of exercise; they enjoy running and are surprisingly fast. Their coat needs to be brushed only occasionally.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 10-12 inches ; weight 24-30 pounds
(female) Height 10-12 inches ; weight 22-28 pounds
Coat : Harsh; undercoat is soft and dense. Colors include red, sable, fawn, and black and tan, with white markings on legs, chest, and neck.

Old English Sheepdog

At birth, Old English sheepdogs tip the scale at 13-14 ounces-typical for puppies- but their weight will increase 100-fold within a year. Within 6 months, the typical shaggy old English sheepdog hair will hide their lovely round eyes, and, after about 1 year, the fluffy puppy coat gives way to the mature dog’s longer, stronger double coat. Even as puppies, they are intelligent and intuitive. One owner says, “When I am busy, he stays quiet. But when he sees I have time to play, he comes to me joyously.” As the name implies, Old English sheepdogs have long worked as herding dogs in the United Kingdom, although they were originally cattle-herding dogs. The characteristic bob-tail (docked tail) is said to have distinguished tax-exempt cattle dogs.

Cheerful and affectionate, Old English sheepdogs are instinctively protective and take good care of their owners, as well as their own puppies and even other dogs. This breed is gentle and quiet but can also be very expressive. When they’re happy, for example, they violently wag their hips, and, to show affection, they may lean on you, oblivious of the force of their weight. Also, although their bark is low and forceful (dogs with protruding muzzles, however, tend to bark at a higher pitch), they do not bark unnecessarily.

Very careful an frequent brushing is required so that the hair does not become entangled or felted, and the coat should be clipped in the summer.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 24-25 inches ; weight 66-91 pounds
(female) Height 21-23 inches ; weight 66-91 pounds
Coat : Harsh and shaggy; undercoat is waterproof. Color include blue, gray, and blue merle, with white markings, or in reverse.

German Shepherd

Most German shepherd pups, born with black coats, become primarily tan in 2-3 weeks, but their coat color continues to change throughout their mature, except for those of dogs with black coats. Their floppy puppy ears will stand erect at 1-2 month.

German shepherd dogs were originally used to herd sheep in mountainous regions of their place of origin, where they were bred from wolflike sheepdogs. During World War I, They gained recognition for their outstanding performances in delivering medicine and military supplies, watching prisoners, finding wounded soldiers, and delivering messages for the German army.

These brave, calm, active, and very loyal dogs rise to all kinds of challenges and given the right training, can excel in a variety of tasks. Intelligent and amenable to various types of training, they work as police dogs, military dogs, drug-sniffing dogs, disaster-relief dogs, and seeing eye dogs, and in other helpful capacities.

Though they have good qualities, German shepherd dogs can be difficult. It is especially important to subject them to obedience training and to socialize them. The dogs also have a sensitive side, however. According to one owner, “The German shepherd dog may be more delicate than the Labrador retriever and the golden retriever. When he is taken to a place that is new to him, he burns out for half a day.” German shepherd dogs require much exercise, needing a large space in which to run freely, or lots of running on a leash.

Because these dogs shed a lot of hair, they require frequent and thorough brushing to maintain their coats.

Origin : German
Size : (male) Height 24-26 inches ; weight 75-90 pounds
(female) Height 22-24 inches ; weight 60-70 pounds
Coat : Straight and smooth; undercoat is soft and dense. Color include black and tan, wolf, black, other solid colors, and black-tipped colors.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


As collie puppies mature, their muzzles grow longer, giving them the distinct collie look, and the coat color gradually become more intense.

Collie were long renowned as sheepdogs in Scotland, but their origin and lineage are a bit of a mystery. According to one theory, the sheepdogs that herded “collie” sheep, those with black faces and black legs, themselves came to be called “colly dogs,” after a word meaning “black with soot.” At the time, many of the sheepdogs were also black. Later, their coat color was primarily tricolor, and blue merle also became more common. There are now two varieties, the rough (long-haired) and the smooth (short-haired).

In 1860, when Queen Victoria returned from a visit to Scotland, a collie she brought back attracted much attention. Soon after, the sable and white coat color caught on, and the collie gained popularity. The breed later became world famous after publication of the book Lassie, Come Home, and subsequent film adaptations and television series. With their slender grace and elegant, long-haired coats, these dogs are loved world-wide. They are intelligent and cheerful and make good household pets as well as excellent guard dogs.

These dogs, rather shy and nervous toward strangers but obedient to their families, make good playmates for children as well as ideal house-hold pets if they are trained properly. As they are talented dogs, it is a good idea to challenge them with agility and obedience sports, and they should be kept calm and trained to refrain from barking. Ideally, these dogs should have a big yard where they can run to their heart’s content. Otherwise, running and long-distance walking is necessary.

The rough collie loses a lot of hair during the shedding period, thus requiring frequent and thorough brushing.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 24-26 inches ; weight 60-76 pounds
(female) Height 22-24 inches ; weight 51-67 pounds
Coat : Long (rough) or short (smooth). Colors include sable and white, tricolor (in which black is dominant), blue merle, or white (white sable or blue merle markings).

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

In the small corgi family, the one with the distinctive tail, which sways as it walks, and the flowing coat is the Cardigan. (This breed and its cousin, the Pembroke, otherwise look alike, though their ancestral breeds are different). Otherwise, another unusual feature is the “corgi carpet,” in which they lie flat on their stomachs with their short legs and tail spayed.

This breed is said to have come to the Welsh country of Cardiganshire from central Europe with the Celts more than 3,000 years ago. The Welsh found their short stature, courage, and alertness to be advantageous for working amid cattle. They were also useful as guard dogs and for keeping rodents and small animals under control.

This highly intelligent dogs love to be around people and to be kept busy, a bored corgi will be a stressed corgi, and they should be allowed to run around as much as they like. Occasional brushing is enough to keep the coat beautiful.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 11-13 inches ; Weight 30-39 pounds
(female) Height 11-13 inches ; Weight 24-34 pounds
Coat : Long and harsh, undercoat is soft and dense. Colors include red, sable, fawn, black and tan, and blue merle, with white marking on legs, chest, and neck.

Bouvier des Flandres

Bouvier des Flandres puppies may take more than 2 years to mature. And, as one owner says, “They are very independent. Even if the mother is not nearby, they sleep at ease. They are low maintenance.”

The gentle, peaceful, and graceful Bouvier des Flandres originally lived and worked as cattle dogs and pack dogs. Brave and highly trainable, they were used as military and spy dogs and for smuggling. Today, after rebounding from near extinction after World War 1, they work as police dogs and Seeing Eye dogs. The large-boned, solid, reliable Bouvier des Flandres are calm and very faithful to their owners, but they are wary of other people, though they don’t bark without reason. “They don’t flirt with people,” one owner says. “They never come running to you and lick your face. They behave like big cats.” This breed is also intelligent and athletic.

Despite its rough appereance, the coat of the Bouvier des Flanders tangles easily and requires thorough grooming with a metal brush and comb. Also their ears should be cleaned regularly.

Origin : France, Belgium, and Netherlands
Size : (male) Height 25-28 inches ; Weight 76-96 pounds
(female) Height 24-27 inches ; Weight 76-96 pounds
Coat : Coarse, harsh, and dense, with eyebrows, a beard, and whiskers. Color ranges from black to fawn, plus salt and paper.