Though young golden retrievers resemble Labrador puppies, after 4-5 months their light golden fur will grown into long, glossy, water resistant coats characteristic of the breed. They learn quickly, and training can begin as early as 2 months.
Bred as hound dog that located and retrieved fallen quarry, golden retrievers are cheerful but rugged water-loving dogs that are popular as household pets, and as seeing eye dogs and service dogs.
Because genetic hip problems are common in this breed, running on slippery floors, especially with puppies, should be avoided, and owners should take care that their hip joints are not overburdened. They are also more prone to cancer than most other breeds.
To keep their beautiful coats clean and shinny, they should be shampooed after every dirty romp, and brushed often.
Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 22-24 inches ; weight 64-75 pounds
(female) Height 22-23 inches ; weight 56-64 pounds
Coat : Glossy, Feathering on chest, legs, and tail. Color is golden.