Saturday, August 25, 2007

English Pointer

Pointer puppies display their innate hunting ability even while they are still very young, some mimic hunting movements at 2 months.

Along with the English setter, the English pointer, best known of the many pointer breeds, has the longest history of participation in dog shows in the United Kingdom. It is a relatively young breed, however, and gained popularity as a hunting dog only at the beginning of the 18th century.

This dog’s pendant ears and thin, straight tails, as well as its exception ally lean body, make it look refined and beautiful. Excellent in tracking, intuition, concentration, endurance, and competitiveness. English pointers are archetypal gundogs, built for strength, speed, and endurance.

Because of the English pointer’s instinct to chase its quarry, it is important to train this breed to return to you at your command. Some dogs can be impulsive, stubborn, or rough, but early conditioning and thorough obedience training will help them become good household pets. Also because of their thin coat, they are sensitive to cold.
Their short, stiff coats are very easy to take care of. Dirt can be rubbed off with a cloth.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 25-28 inches ; weight 50-56 pounds
(female) Height 24-26 inches ; weight 44-50 pounds
Coat : Short, straight, and smooth. Colors include white with reddish-brown, orange or liver patches, plus solid coats.

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