Wednesday, July 16, 2008


This breed was developed as a fighting dog by crossbreeding the Bullenbeisser, which was used to hunt deer, wild boar, and bear in Germany with the bulldog. The name supposedly comes from their unique fighting style, in which they lift up their paws.

Dog of this highly trainable breed have worked as hound dogs, working dogs, army dogs, cattle dogs, guard dogs. Seeing Eye dogs and watchdogs, and some were selected to become the first police dogs in Germany.

With their trim, boxy bodies, chic coat colors and rather odd features, boxers are simultaneously handsome and comical looking. This distinctive look, combined with their expressiveness and good nature, makes them popular as household pets.

These independent, quick learning dogs are basically peaceful and loyal to their owners. Nonetheless owners should recognize that this breed is not only intelligent but also physically strong. It needs frequent exercise and lots of room to run.

Occasional light brushing is sufficient, but their nails must be clipped regularly. Also, they are very sensitive to both hot and cold weather.

Origin: Germany
Size: (male) Height 23-26 inches; weight about 71 pounds
(female) Height 21-24 inches; weight about 60 pounds
Coat: Short and glossy. Colors are variation of fawn; if brindled, stripes must be clear. White markings are permissible, and mask is black

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