Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Miniature Pinscher

This breed, nicknamed the minpin, resembles a small Doberman, but its history goes back farther, and the two breeds do not seem to be related. Its ancestral dog is believed to be the Klein pinscher, from Scandinavia, from which it was miniaturized several hundred years ago.

With slim, little bodies, frail legs, and large prick ears, they hop around like little fawns, and they can jump as high as a person’s waist. Owners report frequently hearing the comment, “He looks more like Bambi than a dog,” and one owner remarks, “I feel like I am keeping a miniature dinosaur.”

Dogs of this wary, loudly barking breed are ideal guars dogs, and, though they’re not as threatening as the Doberman, they are fast and bold. They must be taught not to bark unnecessarily, and careful training is required.

Miniature pinschers are curious and can easily slip away and jump over fences. One owner says, “He escaped from his cage. After a long search, we couldn’t find him, and we gave up. Later, we found him sleeping in the bed.”

This short-coated breed is sensitive to cold and has a strong canine odor.

Origin : Germany
Size : (male) Height 10-13 inches ; weight about 10 pounds
(female) Height 10-13 inches ; weight about 9 pounds
Coat : Hard and glossy
Colors include red, black and tan, and chocolate and tan, though tan is limited to certain positions.

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