Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tibetan Spaniel

This very old breed, kept mainly in monasteries and cherished by the Dalai Lamas, is believed to share an ancestor with the Pekingese, Tibetan spaniels traditionally watched over villages below monasteries and warned their watchdog partners, the Tibetan mastiffs, about human or animal intruders.

One owner says, “My dog knows to step back and observe the situation. When I come home, he first sits and look at me as if to study me. He never jumps at me blindly like other dogs. Only when I tell him to come, he comes to me. He is always trying to read my lips, and never demands his ways.” These intelligent, cheerful, active dogs require frequent exercise but are quite at home inside and outside; they remain excellent watchdog.

Coat care is simple; to keep hair from entangling, brush the coat two or three times a week.

Origin: Tibet
Size: (male) Height about 10 inches; weight 9-16 pounds
(female) same
Coat: Silky; featherings on ears, legs, and tail. Colors include golden, black, white, sand, and any other solid colors, as well as combinations.

Shiba Inu

Newborn shiba inu puppies have dark coats and look like raccoons or fox cubs, but as they grow older, their color lightens; the darker the initial clors are, the more beautiful red they will turn. After about 1 month, their ears stand and their tails become firm. Also, their character settles early, so training should begin at about 3 months.

The most common native breed in Japan, the archetypal shiba inu, a hound dog developed to chase birds and small animals, is well suited for the country’s climate. Shiba derives from either the Japanese term for brushwood, the bark of which their coat resembles in color, or an archaic word meaning “a small thing.” (Inu means “dog”.)

This breed is distinguished by its curled or sickle tail and triangular pricked ears. These active, intelligent, brave, simple, and noble dogs, designated as a natural treasure in Japan in 1937, require plenty of exercise.

Origin: Japan
Size: (male) Height 15-17 inches; weight about 20 pounds
(female) Height 14-15 inches; weight about 18 pounds
Coat: Straight and hard; undercoat is soft and dense. Coat colors come in red, black peppering, red peppering, black, and liver; white markings on lower muzzle.

Shar Pei

The unique baggy wrinkles of this unusual breed (its name, in Chinese, means “hanging skin” or “sand skin”) are actually more pronounced on puppies; as they grow, the wrinkles will stretch and diminish slightly.

In 1978, this obscure breed became known worldwide when it was introduced in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s rarest dog. Their wrinkled bodies, small ears, deep set eyes, and black-blue tongues also make them one of the most distinctive-looking breed, but their origins are modest. Long ago, in Guangdong, China, they were used as hound dogs, farmyard watchdog, fighting dogs, and, sometimes, even food. Their wrinkles were developed to make it difficult for them to be injured fatally when they were bitten during dogfights, and their deep set eyes are also a protective feature. They used to be larger, weighing about twice as much as they typically do now, and one was said to weigh 156 pounds.

These imposing, dignified, independent, and somewhat stubborn dogs are affectionate to their owners but wary of other people and tend to dislike living with other dogs. They require lots of exercise.

Although the coat, which feels bristly or sandy, is deeply wrinkled, it is short and therefore easy to care for. Occasional massages with a brush or towel are sufficient, but the spaces between the wrinkles must be cleaned carefully.

Origin: China
Size: (male) Height 18-20 inches; weight 40-51 pounds
(female) Height 16-18 inches; weight 36-44 pounds
Coat: Short, straight, and hard. Colors include red, black, fawn, cream, and white.


In the 19th century Belgium, schipperkes (Flemish for “little skippers”), developed by miniaturizing black sheepdogs called Leauvenaars-considered the ancestor of the Belgian sheepdog (Groenendael) as well-served as mascots for barges traveling on the canals between Brussels and Antwerp.

Their tails were said to be docked to make it easier for them to move around on barges, although a traditional story tell how the custom derived from a man who cut his schipperke’s tail off because the dog stole food.

They have curious dark eyes, mobile ears, and no tail. One owner says, “People often take these puppies for animals other than dogs.”

These winsome, fawning, active dogs are wary toward strangers, so they make good watchdog. “These dogs are very sensitive to noises,” one owner comments, “I have never seen them fast asleep.”

Their water-repellent coat needs only occasional brushing, although they lose a lot of hair during the shedding period and require more frequent care; also, watch for skin conditions.

Origin: Belgium
Size: (male) Height about 12 inches; weight about 18 pounds
(female) same
Coat: Rich but somewhat hard; undercoat is soft and dense; longer capelike hair behind neck. Black coats are standard, but any solid colors are acceptable.


The poodle puppy’s coat color changes as it grows, and it takes about two years before it acquires its full coat.

The origin of this very old breed, which now consists of standard, miniature, and toy varieties, is not certain, but it most likely came from Germany; the type derives from Pudel (German, “to splash in water”). It is also known as the French poodle, a name earned because achieved fame as elegant dogs in France.

Despite their affected air, they were originally used as retrievers in watery areas; their distinctive coat trimming pattern was designed to make it easier for them to swim and to protect their hearts, and the leg tufts served as makeshift fins and buoys. Recently, low-maintenance trimming that make them look like teddy bears has increased the popularity of the two smaller varieties.

Intelligent and quick to learn, these dogs were long appreciated as stars in French dog playhouses and traveling circuses, and they continue to be circus stars. Among their more mundane tasks were pulling milk carts in Germany, and, during World War II, carrying supplies and messages. Among this breed’s many fans throughout history was Beethoven, who composed music in memory of his beloved poodle.

Small poodle are excitable, but because they are generally quiet and peaceful, they are suitable for families with children.

These dogs don’t shed, but their hair grows fast, requiring regular trimming and careful brushing.

Origin: Central Europe
Size: Standard (male) Height about 15 inches or more; weight 46-71 pounds
(female) same

Miniature (male) Height 11-15 inches; weight 7-13 pounds
(female) same

Toy (male) Height 10 inches or less; weight 4-7 pounds
(female) same

Coat: Rich, dense, and curly or corded. Colors include black, white, apricot, blue, and cream; solid colors are ideal.

Lhasa Apso

This 2000 year-old breed’s homeland is the foothills of the Himalayas. Believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck, these dogs were kept by priests and nobleman in Lhasa, home of Lama monasteries. The breed name is said to derive from the Tibetan phrase Lhasa apso seng kye, which means “a leonine dog from Lhasa that barks well.” Another interpretation translates the phrase to “a leonine dog from Lhasa that is as hairy as a goat” (apso means “goat”).

Although these dogs were for many years not allowed out of the region, the Dalai Lamas used to make an exception and offer male dogs to the Chinese emperors. They were not kept to entertain local or far-flung noblemen, however. From way back, these intelligent, wary, and sharp of hearing dogs guarded monasteries and palaces.

One owner says, “When my dog was a puppy, he was very quiet, and only on rare occasions did he bleat in a faint voice, but once he was grown up, he changed. A soon as he senses something suspicious, he barks loud and continuously.” And, although Lhasa apsos are cheerful and love to play with people, they are also proud. One owner says, “They don’t like to be ordered around.” They are active dogs, but extensive exercise is not necessary.

Careful daily brushing is indispensable to maintain a shiny, tangle-free coat, and they should be groomed more extensively once or twice a week.

Origin: Tibet
Size: (male) Height 10-11 inches; weight about 16 pounds
(female) Height 9-10 inches; weight about 13 pounds
Coat: Long, straight, and hard; undercoat is moderate and dense. Colors include gold, sand, black, honey, grizzle, and smoke.

French Bulldog

The French bulldog’s trademark large, batlike ears lie flat on newborn puppies, but they cycle through standing and drooping several times before they finally prick up for good.

Excessive exercise should be avoided until puppies are grown.

Although the English bulldog is widely believed to be this breed’s ancestor, opinion is divided as to whether the French bulldog was bred from small toy-type dogs of the former breed brought by British immigrants to northern France during the second half of the 19th century or whether French bulldogs are an older breed that were already being used for dogfighting in the 1600s. Besides their ears, which were once allowed to prick up or to be half bent, their domed head is the breed’s distinguishing feature.

These dogs are well loved for their misleadingly imposing appearance; they are actually gentle, quiet, intelligent dogs that don’t bark unnecessarily. However, because of their short muzzles, they are known to snore. This characteristic also makes them sensitive to heat, and, because of their unusually large heads, litters are delivered by cesarean section.

Their short coats generally need little care, except during the shedding season, when frequent brushing is needed; also, check for skin conditions. In addition, the ears, eyes, nose, and muzzle need to be cleaned, and their nails should be clipped regularly.

Origin: France
Size: (male) Height about 12 inches; weight 18-22 pounds
(female) same
Coat: Short and glossy. Colors include dark brindle, brindle and white, and fawn.


Newborn Dalmatian puppies are snow white; the trademark spots of this breed appear, little by little, within 10-14 days. The color, shape, size, and number of the spots are unpredictable.

These dogs were first found in the Balkan province from which they take their name, but records and stories about dogs that resemble this breed are found in many places in Europe and western Asia. They were said to have an uncanny ability to calm horses, and they used to be called coach dogs and carriage dogs, from the era in which they escorted horse drawn vehicles (including fire wagons and, more recently, fire trucks, leading to their traditional role as firehouse mascots), and were also, based on their appearance, nicknamed spotted dogs and plum-pudding dogs.

Dalmatians have also worked as guard dogs, circus dogs, military dogs, farmyard watchdog, and bird hounds, scent hounds, and hound dogs, as well as in other roles. Later, these dog increasingly became household pets after they were popularized by the classic children’s novel 101 Dalmatians and its animated and live film adaptations.

Dogs of this peaceful, intelligent breed are friendly to their owners but aloof toward other people. They make good watchdogs, but they need long exercise sessions.

Their coat are very easy to care for, but watch for allergic dermatitis, or inflammation of the skin.

Origin: Croatia
Size: (male) Height 23-24 inches; weight 49-64 pounds
(female) Height 22-23 inches; weight 49-55 pounds
Coat: Short, hard, and dense. Color is pure white, with black or liver spots.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chow chow

Chow chow puppies, resembling bear cubs, require little effort. One owner says, “They are quiet and not mischievous. They don’t insist on being played with. Adult dogs are the same. They are really fuss free.”

This breed’s history is reputated to go back 3000 years, but concrete information is available only from about 150 B.C. Theories about its origin tend to emphasize the breed’s use as a food source, but they also were known to work as hound dogs, sled dogs, and guard dogs. Several theories persist about the origin of their breed name.

The saintly, unperturbed nature of dogs of this breed is matched by their loyalty to their owners, although they are never given to fawning. One owner says, “Even if other dogs try to pick a fight, these dogs ignore them.” However, they are fearless and highly protective, although they rarely bark.

When mature, they gain quite a bit of weight and grow featherings around their neck like a lion’s mane. Black chow chows look like hairy bears, and, with their blue-black tongues, their appearance is striking.

Their straight, stiltlike hind legs make them slow, rather clumsy manners, supposedly a legacy of their use as stock. They do enjoy exercise, however, although they are sensitive to heat.

Brushing every other day is sufficient, except during the shedding season. Also, dogs with deep-set eyes may have trouble with ingrown eyelashes.

Origin: China
Size: (male) Height 19-22 inches; weight 49-67 pounds
(female) Height 18-20 inches; weight 36-56 pounds
Coat: Rough and dense; undercoat is woolly. Colors include red, cream, fawn, black, and blue.


From 1150 to 1815, when dogfighting was banned in England, these dogs were employed in bullbaiting, hence their name. Bred for their suitability for this cruel sport of attacking tethered bulls and giving them a final mortal bite on the nose, dogs of this breed have a squashed face that enabled them to breathe while biting the bull and a compact, muscular body to complement their combative spirit and ferocity. The legacy of this genetic engineering also includes snoring and drooling, and, because newborn bulldog puppies’ head are so large, they are usually delivered by cesarean section.

The bulldog, however, has since become a cheerful, friendly, expressive, peaceful and obedient dog and is very popular as an intelligent and winsome household pet.

Because of their short muzzles, they cannot control their body temperature well and are sensitive to heat. Also, their food intake should be monitored.

Coat care is simple, but keeping these dogs clean requires a little effort; Wipe between their wrinkles, and regularly clean their eyes, ears, and muzzles.

Origin: United Kingdom
Size: (male) Height 12-16 inches; weight about 56 pounds
(female) Height 12-16 inches; weight 51 pounds
Coat: Short and dense. Colors include red brindle and other brindle, as well as solid colors such as white, red, fawn, and fallow, and white-and-red and white-and-black mixtures.

Boston Terrier

Newborn Boston terrier puppies are born with their ears flat against their heads. Sooner or later, depending on the ears’ size and thickness, they will prick halfway up, then warp backward, bend forward, and finally stand up straight. Typical dogs with undershot mouths, these puppies have difficulty nursing and, initially, eating solid food, and they tend to snore until they are older.

Although most terriers originated in the United Kingdom, this breed was bred in its namesake city in the United States during the second half of the 19th century by crossbreeding the English bulldog with the white English terrier. Larger at first, they were reduced in size by being crossbred with the French bulldog. Because this dog’s coat suggests a tuxedo wearing canine, the breed is sometimes referred to as the “American gentleman dog.”

Boston terriers are especially mischievous, but they are affectionate, and one owner says, “They are good at winning the hearts and minds of people.” A brief daily session of exercise is necessary.

Their short, glossy coat requires only occasional wiping with a rough cloth.

Origin: United States
Size: (male) Height 10-16 inches; weight 11-24 pounds
(female) same
Coat: Short and silky. Color is ideally brindle, with white markings, but black with white markings is permissible.

Bichon fries

Newborn puppies are all white, with pink noses and short coats, but their noses gradually turn black and their coats grow long and fluffy after up to 2 years. After 8 months, the coat develops a double layer, which tends to form hair balls.

These dogs are said to have been discovered by 14th-century Italian sailors on Tenerife in the Canary Island, off the northwest coast of Africa, from which they were brought back to Europe. In France in the 1500s, these dogs were downsized and became popular accessories among French and Italian noblewomen, who perfumed them and decorated them with ribbons, calling them “white lappers,” (Their name is a shortened translation, from French, of “curly-haired lapdog.”)

Other dogs in the Mediterranean based bichon (French, “lapdog”) group, which is closely related to the poodle, are the Maltese and the less well-known Bolonais and Havanais, all of which are said be partly descended from the barbet and the water spaniel.

Perhaps because of their lapdog legacy, dogs of this cheerful breed interact well with people. One owner says, “They have a natural genius for fawning.” They are ideal indoor dogs, as they don’t bark unnecessarily, have almost no canine odor, and lose little hair.

The bichon fries became popular worldwide after a unique coat-trimming style, created a few decades ago in the United States, was adopted, giving it the appearance of carrying cotton candy on its head.

Frequent care is require to maintain the bichon frise’s elegant coat.

Origin: France
Size: (male) Height 10-12 inches; weight 7-11 pounds
(female) same
Coat: Long, curly, and silky; undercoat is soft. Colors include white, cream, and apricot; slight gray on ears and body is permissible.