Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Newborn Chihuahua puppies, from the smallest breed in the world, look just like mice, weighing only 2-3 ounces.

This breed is said to have been discovered by an American in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, but many theories about its origin exist, including that it is a descendant of the techichi, the dogs of the Aztecs.

In spite of their diminutive size, Chihuahuas are brave, self-conscious, and curious and will not shy way from larger dogs, and they will bravely confront prowlers, attacking their ankles and heels. One owner, who also keeps a Tosa, one of a large Japanese breed, says, “The big Tosa is trained not to bark, so the Chihuahua is our watch dog.” Given their small bodies, their barks are relatively quiet.

“They like to play with and be around people,” another owner says, “They sometimes even think of people as their toys.” If overprotected, however, they may become difficult to handle.

There are two types of coat: smooth-haired and long-haired. The smooth haired, with its short coat, maybe more sensitive to cold, As one owner says, “When it’s too cold, he loses his appetite.”

Basically, these are robust dogs, but recent careless breeding to meet increased demand has resulted in deteriorated bone structure of their skulls, which makes them vulnerable to physical impact. One owner says, “One died by hitting his head on the corner of a box of tissues. When I patted another on the head, he had a concussion and died.” Also their fragile legs break easily, and , because their windpipes are small, they do not tolerate heat very well.

In addition, hypoglycemic comes caused by hunger can occur, especially during weaning.

Origin : Mexico
Size : (male) Height about 5 inches ; weight 2-4 pounds
(female) same
Coat : Smooth or long.
Colors include fawn, blue, chocolate, and black.

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