Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Italian Greyhound

Even when Italian greyhound puppies are small, they love to run. “Once they start running, they don’t stop,” one owner says. Another owner comments, “Puppies are active, hasty, and shy. They love people but behave like spoiled children.”

This old breed, loved by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks as well as by Roman aristocrats, often appears in old European paintings.

About the size of a large cat, the Italian greyhound, with its dainty and refined manner, wet-looking round eyes, and streamlined bodies, look remarkably small and frail.

Owners of these dogs can expect to be criticized about their skinny dogs, but Italian greyhounds are all muscle. Puppies and adults alike can hop and jump without a running start and are even known to leap into their owner’s arm. Since they are not afraid of heights, however, owners must be careful about the dogs jumping off the furniture or trying to leap over fences. They settle down in adult hood, however, and remain receptive to learning.

Because of their short coats and negligible body fat, they are sensitive to cold.

Origin : Italy
Size : (male) Height 13-15 inches ; weight 6-10 pounds
(female) same
Coat : Short and glossy.
Colors include fawn, red, blue, cream, and white; may have white markings, too, but black and tan, blue and tan, and brindle markings are not permissible.

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