Said to be the oldest documented breed, the saluki (its name is Arabic for “of Saluq,” an ancient city) is the probable subject of sculptures from the Sumerian empire (7000-6000 BC) and was said to be a favorite of Tutankhamen. (Members of this breed, believed by Moslems to be holy, have been excepted from the general Islamic judgment that dogs are unclean animals.) This swift-footed sight hounds, with acute hearing as well as keen sight, was used to hunt gazelles and jackals, and its buoyant and elegant running style gives one the impression that it is flying. Salukis, which need abundant opportunity to run, can accelerate to top speed almost immediately, but owners should note that it is virtually impossible to call them back once they are on the chase.
They are friendly with other household dogs but will shy away from unknown animals; also their single minded devotion to their owners can make them seem unfriendly or bashful around other people. In addition, they are sensitive, so obedience training should be especially gentle.
Their short coats need little care, though feathering on their ears and tails should be brushed occasionally.
Origin :
Size : (male) Height 23-28 inches ; weight 44-56 pounds
(female) Height much smaller than the male ; weight 31-44 pounds
Coat : Smooth and silky. Colors include white, cream, fawn, gold, red, blue and tan, black and tan, and tricolor.
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