Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welsh Terrier

The inky black coat color on newborn puppies assumes a blanket marking, which makes these dogs look like they are carrying saddles, after about 3-4 months.

If the Airedale terrier is the king of terriers, the much smaller Welsh terrier is the prince of the family. Once called Old English terriers or black-and-tan wirehaired terriers, these dogs have a long history of hunting foxes, badgers, and otters in Wales. Cautions and brave, they make very good guard dogs.

These dogs are intelligent and well behaved, and they like to be around people; they will not thrive if left on their own.

Careful brushing of their wirehaired double coat, and occasional clipping, is sufficient for household pets.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height about 15 inches ; weight about 20 pounds
(female) Height about 14 inches ; weight about 18 pounds
Coat : Wiry; undercoat is soft and dense. Color is tan, with black on black, or dark grizzle with tan.

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