Sunday, June 21, 2009


Armants originate from Egypt and were originally used as guard dogs. It is believed to be a descendant of European dogs, that were introduced by Napoleon's troops, crossed with Briards. They are named after the town of Armant in Egypt. The breed's fearlessness when confronted by predators as well as its loyalty see them put to use in Egypt as guard dogs.

It has a large head, small eyes and a deep, broad chest. The ears differ in each dog and there is no standard concerning the ears; they may be erect or drooped. Armants are a very agile breed. The breed is very obedient and quite protective of its territory, which it will fearlessly defend.

Armants are good working dogs with a fearless and loyal temperament. They generally respond well to training but require a firm owner to accomplish this. They bond well with other animals and are very good with children.

Origin: Egypt

Size: Weight 50-65 pounds; Height 21-23 inches

Coat: Armants can be of multiple colours, the most common of which are the black, black and tan, gray and gray-yellow variations.

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