Sunday, June 21, 2009

Australian Silky Terrier

The Australian Silky Terrier is a small breed of dog of the terrier dog type. The breed was developed in Australia, although the ancestral types and breeds were from Great Britain. It is closely related to the Australian Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier. The breed is called the Silky Terrier in North America, but is called the Australian Silky Terrier in its country of origin and in the rest of the world.

The breed standard describe the ideal Australian Silky Terrier temperament as keenly alert and active. They love to be given chances to run and play, but must have a tightly fenced yard. They also enjoy brisk walks and playing ball. The Silky is able to do well in an apartment, although they are also an active indoor breed. It is important they are kept busy and social to discourage boredom.

The Silky Terrier's coat is highly susceptible to tangles and matting. They require daily brushing and combing. This breed requires a deep commitment from their owners. To keep the coat lustrous regular shampooing is necessary.

Origin: Australia

Size: Height 9-10 inches

Coat: The long silky blue and tan coat is an identifying feature, hanging straight and parted along the back, and described as "flat, fine and glossy". All proportions and aspects of the body and head as well as desirable shades of blue and tan and placement of markings are extensively described in the breed standard.

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