Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bull Terrier

Newborn bull terrier puppies are slender, but this quality is temporary; They soon grow up to be stocky and muscular.

This breed was developed for bullbaiting and bearbaiting in the United Kingdom. Because of their brave yet gentlemanly fighting style, bull terrier were once referred to as “white knights.” After these sports were banned, these dogs were bred to be cheerful and friendly, but they still retain a fighting spirit. Comments by owners include, “He likes people, but he is sort of like a spoiled child,” and, “He will do what he decides to do. He never forgets what he doesn’t like.”

True to its appearance, this breed has a strong character, and rigorous training should begin early; also, owners should have enough physical strength and technique to provide serious discipline. One breeder warn, “Never allows them to get too frisky.” It is important to take these dogs for long walks, but never let go of the leash, and maintain strict control.

The miniature bull terrier is a different breed, but the only real difference is its size. Standards other than height and weight are the same for both. The miniature bull terrier’s nature is a little gentler, and, because it is smaller, it is naturally easier to keep.

Coat care is easy, although despite the dog’s tough appearance, its skin is delicate.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 20-22 inches ; weight 44-56 pounds
(female) Height 19-22 inches ; weight about 44 pounds
Coat : Hard and glossy. Colors include white, brindle, brindle and white, black and white, and red and white.

Miniature bull terrier
Size : (male) Height about 12 inches ; weight about 24 pounds
(female) same
Coat : Same as the bull terrier

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