Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lakeland Terrier

The colorful coat of a Lakeland terrier puppy continues to lighten until about 4 months. At that point, its soft hair should be stripped to produce a wiry coat; soft hair on the eyebrows and legs is desirable, so those areas should not be stripped.

The Lakie’s ancestos were dogs that were good at tracking down foxes living in burrows in the Lake District of northern England as far back as several hundred years ago; their narrow chests permitted them to crawl into small foxholes after their quarry.

These intelligent, energetic, and playful dogs are good observers, but one bad habit left over from their foxhunting days is a penchant for digging holes.

The more care devoted to the coat, the more attractive and wiry it will become; trimming is also necessary. The Lakeland terrier’s rich, wiry beard may get in the way while eating, but it is easily cleaned with a cloth.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height 14-15 inches ; weight about 18 pounds
(female) Height about 14 inches ; weight about 17 pounds
Coat : Wiry, undercoat is soft; featherings on muzzle and legs. Colors include blue, black, red, wheaten, liver, and blue and tan.

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