Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cairn Terrier

Puppies’ coat are sparse and look scraggly compared to those of adults, but they gradually become rich and fluffy. Their coat color will also change; in some cases, it continuous to change even on grown dogs. Its drooping ears will normally prick up at 3-4 months.

These bright, alert dogs make good companions for human children; Toto, of The Wizard of Oz fame, was a cairn terrier. And just like him, they are brave and strong willed and will confront much larger opponents without flinching.

The cairn terrier is named for the pile of rocks it rooted through to hunt foxes, which lived in burrows beneath them because they could not dig deeply enough in the poor Scottish soil. The breed, long invaluable for protecting cattle, is believed to be the oldest in the Terrier Group and may be the ancestor of the Scottish terriers. King James 1 of Scotland offered one of these dogs to the French royal family.

Origin : United Kingdom
Size : (male) Height about 10 inches ; weight about 14 pounds
(female) Height about 10 inches ; weight about 13 pounds
Coat : Rough and long; undercoat is dense. Colors include wheaten, sand, gray, brindle, and colors close to black.

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